Online catalogue and sales connected to your ERP in real time
AppCatalog is a sales tool that enables you to access your company’s entire product catalogue on your tablet, make online orders and add them to your company’s ERP in real time as well as benefit from personalised sales tracking. Sales personnel will have all the company’s products at their disposal in a digital format that’s updated in the blink of an eye, enabling them to make sales at the same time as they display all the important information about both the product and the customer, such as risk, previous orders, stock levels and much more.

Compatible with iOS and Android
AppCatalog is compatible with all iOS and Android devices.
- iPad
- iPad mini
- Tablet Android
Improve business efficiency
- Benefit from access to a product catalogue that’s always up-to-date.
- Enable your sales representatives to create orders quickly and easily – anytime, anyplace – with a simple click or by scanning a barcode.
- Optimise and automate processes to generate immediate, error-free orders.
- Download and send technical datasheets by email.

Reduce costs
- Go paperless and save on printing and communication costs.
- Save on working hours spent transcribing sales orders, thereby avoiding the risk of human error.
- Enhance the sales experience for your customers.